We hosted Tucker's second birthday party today! He is very much into colors right now which sparked my idea for a "rainbow color" themed birthday party. It was a very simple theme and so much fun!
I started with the invites, which Dustin and I designed in photoshop, and it gave us inspiration for the rest of the party details...
We had the party at another nearby park this year. Tucker loves being outside, still loves the playground, and everyone brought their favorite riding toys.
We kept the food simple too...Hotdogs, Fruits, Vegetables, Chips, and some fun gumballs and M&M's.

Tucker enjoyed his Birthday very much with some of our closest friends and family! Dustin and I gave him a scooter with a robot helmet. He hasn't quite figured it out yet, but I know he'll be zipping around in no time! :)
Thanks to Twinkie Boutique for our "rainbow color" birthday shirt!
LOVE this Boy!
Tucker became very shy once everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him...sweet boy :)
Dustin is Always doing a great job behind the camera capturing all of our wonderful photos...so thankful for him and all he does!
Tucker's fabulous birthday was made, again this year, by Jennifer. She does such a wonderful job! Not only are her cakes adorable, but they are delicious! Keeping with the rainbow color theme, Jennifer made the inside of the cake the 6 different rainbow colors...
It was Awesome and SO yummy!
Pretty cool, huh?!
Our last surprise of the day for Tucker and the rest of his friends was a visit from the Goodies Ice Cream Truck! It was a fun treat letting all the kiddos pick out their favorite popsicles.
Tucker definitely had a wonderful day! Thanks to everyone who helped with the party and joined us for the celebration. I cannot believe our little one is already 2 years old! We are so thankful for the precious little boy that he is and so thankful that God entrusted us with such an amazing blessing.