Before Tucker was even born, I knew I wanted to make his baby food. The main reason for this is because, I want to know exactly what he is eating, without any additives or ingredients I don't know about. By making his food, I know he is getting pure, fresh, food with nothing extra added. With all of the weird ingredients in food these days it just scares me. Food is just not as simple as it used to be in the old days! When I was pregnant, I was so careful about anything I put in my body. I wouldn't even eat McDonalds! (watch Food Inc. and you'll never want to eat it again either!) that Tucker is here, I want to be just as careful about what is going into his little body. Call me crazy, but I think, because our food has changed SO much is one of the many reasons there are SO many new diseases, sicknesses, disorders, etc...which led me to make all of Tucker's food. And I love doing it, it's fun!
It starts out like this...
Today I just happen to be making Tucker some Asparagus and Butternut Squash.
I also added a little mint to the Asparagus and Green Beans, which he loves :)
I start off by peeling and chopping whatever vegetables or fruit I am making that day. And put them in the Beaba Babycook to steam and puree them. I Love the Beaba, because it does both steaming and pureeing! It's super easy to use and I highly recommend it to anyone! I make a variety of different foods with the Babycook. Some of Tucker's favorites include Zucchini, Sweet Potatoes, Pears, Mangos, Peaches, Plums, Apples, and Green Beans.
After I've pureed, I then transfer the food to whatever I'm going to store it in. I usually store Tucker's food in one of two things. The Beaba flower or Green Sprouts cubes. These guys...
The Beaba flowers are great for freezing! Simply put the food into the flower and freeze..when you are ready to use the food, it pops right out in perfect 2 oz. servings.
Then you just heat and serve! Pretty neat, huh?
I use the Green Sprouts cubes more for when Tucker is at school and then also when we are out and about. The cubes are like reusable baby food jars! I can also label them for when he goes to school. They are great too! So instead of Gerber jars, this is what I travel with :)
Like I said before, I love making his food! It doesn't take a lot of time and it's very cost efficient as well. I also, love knowing he is getting fresh food chalked full of nutrition! When it comes time for Tucker to eat, I microwave to warm it up or if we are out I just serve at room temperature since the food has usually been in the diaper bag.

My main goals when feeding Tucker are to make sure he is healthy and happy...

And I think so mission has been accomplished!
Then you just heat and serve! Pretty neat, huh?
I use the Green Sprouts cubes more for when Tucker is at school and then also when we are out and about. The cubes are like reusable baby food jars! I can also label them for when he goes to school. They are great too! So instead of Gerber jars, this is what I travel with :)
Like I said before, I love making his food! It doesn't take a lot of time and it's very cost efficient as well. I also, love knowing he is getting fresh food chalked full of nutrition! When it comes time for Tucker to eat, I microwave to warm it up or if we are out I just serve at room temperature since the food has usually been in the diaper bag.

My main goals when feeding Tucker are to make sure he is healthy and happy...

And I think so mission has been accomplished!

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